Diarrhea Of A Madman
Produced by Dave Brockie, Adam Green and Mike Derks
Ah, the Dave Brockie eXperience! While GWAR were getting more serious with an album like Violence Has Arrived, DBX was no doubt the outlet for Dave Brockie and company to carry on in the more "silly" manner. This album features Dave Brockie on vocals and bass, and also features GWAR members Mike Derks (BalSac) and Brad Roberts (JizMak) on guitar and drums respectively. I also believe both of them contribute backing vocals on the DBX albums. As aforementioned, this album is a whole lot more silly than GWAR's latest efforts, with songs being both shorter and more nonsensical. If you can find a red thread throughout this album (or any of the songs), you are a very clever person indeed. That doesn't mean that this stuff ain't no good when compared to GWAR, on the contrary. It is more punk related than GWAR, more in the vibe of Death Piggy than anything else. In fact, classic songs like Masturbate date back to older days. Also, tracks 17 and 18 are in quote not as much as songs, but rather stories told to a background of sound effects and music. They were, according to the liner notes of the album, added simply to get the album over the minimum time limit. Calling Dr. Fong clocks in at over 18 minutes! While not rocking songs, they are interesting to listen to.
01. 40,000 Times
02. Too Much Stuff
03. You Want To Suck My Dick
04. Pants
05. Faggot On Fire
06. Helium Creed
07. Beat Stall
08. The Dance Of Europe
09. Iranian Masturbator
10. Washing Yourself
11. Servant Of Death's Head
12. Two Smart Guys Fight (About Michelangelo)
13. The Pennington Lark
14. I Clean Up Real Good
15. Great News!
16. Masturbate
17. I Saw Three Forms
18. Calling Dr. Fong
19. Lady Died *
* (hidden track)
(click on songs for lyrics...sing along boys and girls !!!)

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